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scheme verge代表の嶂南が2月15日バンコクで開催される“Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025”に登壇
scheme verge株式会社
scheme verge CEO Tatsuki Yamanami to Speak at Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Bangkok 2025
「都市の再発明(Reinventing Cities)」をビジョンに掲げ、デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)を通じた都市の課題解決に取り組むscheme verge株式会社(本社:東京都文京区、CEO:嶂南 達貴、以下「scheme verge」)は、2月15日バンコクで開催される“Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Bangkok 2025”に登壇します。
scheme verge, Inc. is pleased to announce that its CEO, Tatsuki Yamanami, will be a featured speaker at the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025, hosted by Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.

なお登壇するのは、Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025のうち、Collaboration Catalyst - Calling Thai Researchers for Innovation Partnershipsのセッションです。
At the conference, Yamanami will discuss the role of smart cities and smart buildings in driving economic and regional development in Thailand. His presentation will explore how digital transformation and data-driven urban solutions can contribute to solving societal challenges, including green transformation (GX), public health improvements, and talent development. Furthermore, he will highlight the potential for collaboration across multiple disciplines to accelerate urban innovation in Thailand.
He will give a presentation at Collaboration Catalyst - Calling Thai Researchers for Innovation Partnerships session in Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025.
Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025 開催概要
Hyper Interdisciplinary Conferenceは、Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.が主催し、産業界のリーダー、研究者、専門家を集め、多分野の連携とイノベーションを促進することを目的としたイベントです。詳細は、イベントページをご覧ください。
The Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference, organized by Leave a Nest Co., Ltd., brings together industry leaders, researchers, and professionals across various fields to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovation. For more information about the event, visit Event Website.
詳細 / Event Page
scheme vergeのタイにおける過去の取り組み
現在、scheme vergeは、日本の経済産業省およびAIMEICCプログラムの支援を受け、タイのスマートシティおよび交通指向型開発(TOD)において、データ活用の促進を支援するための議論を進めています。また、日本国内では各大手企業と連携しスマートビル・スマートシティのアライアンスを推進しており、東南アジアにもデータ駆動型の都市ソリューションを展開することを目指しています。
Currently, scheme verge is actively collaborating with Thailand’s smart city and transit-oriented development (TOD) initiatives, supported by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) and the AIMEICC program. The company aims to introduce advanced data utilization strategies to enhance urban value and development in Thailand. scheme verge has also played a key role in establishing industry alliances for smart buildings in Japan and is looking to bring unique data-driven solutions to Southeast Asia.
- scheme verge、ピチャイ・タイ国商務大臣一行との「Business and Investment Networking」に参加(在京タイ王国大使館開催)/Meeting with the Mr. Pichai, Thai Minister of Commerce at Thai Embassy in Tokyo - scheme verge Inc.
- 「日本のスタートアップによるASEAN企業との協業を通じた海外展開促進事業」(a地域)に採択 / Techsauce Global Summit 2024 に出展
Location: Iidabashi Miyuki Building 5F, 1-4 Shimomiyaibicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Yukihiro Maru, Founder and Group CEO
Year Establishment: 2002
Business Expertise: Knowledge Manufacturing
Website: https://global.lne.st/
scheme verge株式会社について
scheme vergeは、「都市の再発明(Reinventing cities)」を目指し、まちづくりのDXを通じた社会課題の解決に貢献する東大発UrbanTechスタートアップです。
Founded in 2018, scheme verge, Inc. is a Tokyo-based urban engineering company committed to solving modern urban challenges through digital transformation. The company provides a data integration platform, “Horai,” which enables local governments and private enterprises to digitize urban planning, development, and management. By leveraging people flow data, dynamic data analytics, and AI-driven predictive modeling, scheme verge supports cities in optimizing resources and automating processes for more efficient urban management.
会社名:scheme verge株式会社
本社所在地:東京都文京区向丘2-3-10 東大前HiRAKU GATE 401
代表者:代表取締役CEO 嶂南 達貴
東京都知事 登録旅行業 第2-8136号(第二種旅行業)
scheme verge CEO Tatsuki Yamanami to Speak at Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Bangkok 2025
「都市の再発明(Reinventing Cities)」をビジョンに掲げ、デジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)を通じた都市の課題解決に取り組むscheme verge株式会社(本社:東京都文京区、CEO:嶂南 達貴、以下「scheme verge」)は、2月15日バンコクで開催される“Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Bangkok 2025”に登壇します。
scheme verge, Inc. is pleased to announce that its CEO, Tatsuki Yamanami, will be a featured speaker at the Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025, hosted by Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.

なお登壇するのは、Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025のうち、Collaboration Catalyst - Calling Thai Researchers for Innovation Partnershipsのセッションです。
At the conference, Yamanami will discuss the role of smart cities and smart buildings in driving economic and regional development in Thailand. His presentation will explore how digital transformation and data-driven urban solutions can contribute to solving societal challenges, including green transformation (GX), public health improvements, and talent development. Furthermore, he will highlight the potential for collaboration across multiple disciplines to accelerate urban innovation in Thailand.
He will give a presentation at Collaboration Catalyst - Calling Thai Researchers for Innovation Partnerships session in Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025.
Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference in Thailand 2025 開催概要
Hyper Interdisciplinary Conferenceは、Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.が主催し、産業界のリーダー、研究者、専門家を集め、多分野の連携とイノベーションを促進することを目的としたイベントです。詳細は、イベントページをご覧ください。
The Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference, organized by Leave a Nest Co., Ltd., brings together industry leaders, researchers, and professionals across various fields to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovation. For more information about the event, visit Event Website.
詳細 / Event Page
scheme vergeのタイにおける過去の取り組み
現在、scheme vergeは、日本の経済産業省およびAIMEICCプログラムの支援を受け、タイのスマートシティおよび交通指向型開発(TOD)において、データ活用の促進を支援するための議論を進めています。また、日本国内では各大手企業と連携しスマートビル・スマートシティのアライアンスを推進しており、東南アジアにもデータ駆動型の都市ソリューションを展開することを目指しています。
Currently, scheme verge is actively collaborating with Thailand’s smart city and transit-oriented development (TOD) initiatives, supported by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) and the AIMEICC program. The company aims to introduce advanced data utilization strategies to enhance urban value and development in Thailand. scheme verge has also played a key role in establishing industry alliances for smart buildings in Japan and is looking to bring unique data-driven solutions to Southeast Asia.
- scheme verge、ピチャイ・タイ国商務大臣一行との「Business and Investment Networking」に参加(在京タイ王国大使館開催)/Meeting with the Mr. Pichai, Thai Minister of Commerce at Thai Embassy in Tokyo - scheme verge Inc.
- 「日本のスタートアップによるASEAN企業との協業を通じた海外展開促進事業」(a地域)に採択 / Techsauce Global Summit 2024 に出展
Location: Iidabashi Miyuki Building 5F, 1-4 Shimomiyaibicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Yukihiro Maru, Founder and Group CEO
Year Establishment: 2002
Business Expertise: Knowledge Manufacturing
Website: https://global.lne.st/
scheme verge株式会社について
scheme vergeは、「都市の再発明(Reinventing cities)」を目指し、まちづくりのDXを通じた社会課題の解決に貢献する東大発UrbanTechスタートアップです。
Founded in 2018, scheme verge, Inc. is a Tokyo-based urban engineering company committed to solving modern urban challenges through digital transformation. The company provides a data integration platform, “Horai,” which enables local governments and private enterprises to digitize urban planning, development, and management. By leveraging people flow data, dynamic data analytics, and AI-driven predictive modeling, scheme verge supports cities in optimizing resources and automating processes for more efficient urban management.
会社名:scheme verge株式会社
本社所在地:東京都文京区向丘2-3-10 東大前HiRAKU GATE 401
代表者:代表取締役CEO 嶂南 達貴
東京都知事 登録旅行業 第2-8136号(第二種旅行業)