Nemophila flowers are now at their best at Hitachi Seaside Park, Ibaraki, Japan.

Nemophila flowers are now at their best at the National Hitachi Seaside Park in Mawatari, Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, and the entire hill is covered in blue.
Nemophila is an annual herb native to North America with flowers 2-3 cm in diameter. About 5.3 million nemophilas grow on the 4.2 Hectares According to the garden, the flowers bloomed 7 days earlier than normal this year due to high temperatures in February and March, and are expected to be in full bloom around the 15th, and can be enjoyed until the end of the month.
On the 13th, many families visited the garden in the morning, taking pictures of the flowers swaying in the sea breeze and enjoying a walk on the hill. Machiko Ichimura, 49, of Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, said, "It is rare to see such a blue-colored hill. I was very impressed with the view.
The park was also filled with colorful tulips in red and yellow, and visitors could be seen strolling leisurely through the park.